Wow! Didn't see these coming!
At $3.39 for a big 32 oz. jar, I just figured I was saving a little money over picking up a jar of Claussen or Vlasic Deli Dills. These whole, but nice sized (3-4") deli dills pack the characteristic crunch you'd expect from Claussen or Vlasic. However...
They have considerably more garlic in them than the big national brands! The aftertaste has that slightly-"hot" burn of strong garlic, and my co-workers would agree. While you're munching on the little thing, you don't really notice it until after you're pretty well committed to finishing the pickle and its too late to salvage your breath. However, this is not to say its too garlicky, for it fades quickly--in about the time it takes to fish another one out of the jar!
On the whole, its a very nice Kosher dill...with all of the traditional deli-style flavor you might expect, but with a bit of a garlic kick. They come in glass jars with metal tops, which make them fully recyclable, for the conservationist crowd.
I'd highly recommend these as an equivalent to the Classen Extra Garlic Deli Dill variety, but with alot better value. More crunch for the buck!
I love pickle. It is so sour and yummy. My mother makes it at home and its delicious. Hope you get to eat home-made fresh pickle someday too.