Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Famous Dave's Signature Spicy


Famous Dave's Signature
Spicy Pickle Chips

Well, its been a while, folks, but Covid-19 has brought about all sorts of digging up of old relics, and here we are...another pickle blog entry!  

Today's foray is largely due to a trip to CostCo, where they had the gallon-sized jar of Famous Dave's Signature Spicy Pickle Chips in quantity.  They looked great in the jar, but if I didn't care for them, I didn't want to be eating them until next Easter.  So, this week's grocery run found a smaller jar in my cart.

I gave them a few minutes to chill, but not enough to really do the job right, but I was worse than a cat, and I had to crack open the jar.

The label says that they have a "unique blend of sweet and heat" and I think they hit it on the mark.

Sweet. Yep, they are sweet pickles, in the bread'n'butter variety, but nicely, they're not over the top.  I munched on a half-dozen of them, and didn't get the sweet-gag that you can sometime get.  DANGER: this is an addictive quality!

Heat. Yep, after the half-dozen chips or so, there was some heat buildup, but not in an unpleasant way.  The heat tended to stick around for about 5 minutes, but nothing to sweat about (literally!).

Unique Blend. I think the "unique blend" is probably the Sweet, with the Heat combined with a lick of vinegar, so that all 3 flavors are experienced for a pretty tasty combo.

Applications.  Clearly the folks at Famous Dave's have a few other culinary strengths, as their ribs are, well, "famous"...or at least in places I'm not.  This hints that they may just be putting things things on the side, or on top of their more "famous" entrees and sandwiches.  The sweet+heat+vinegar flavor would go great on something that needed dressing up, like the classic leftover meatloaf sandwich, or floating on top of a load of cole slaw on a Memphis-style BBQ beef--hey!  Dave might have thought of that one already!?

In any case, I liked these things and look forward to munching on them and trying them out as toppers.  Nice job, Dave!  Now...if we can talk about getting you to open a rib joint near Ann Arbor....


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